The vision of Intrapower

Is to further expand into new investment fields, new markets that hold great business interest and to utilize opportunities in a highly demanding and constantly evolving investment environment. Always driven by the satisfaction of its clients and the enjoyment of the maximum possible benefits from their investment.


Intrapower was founded in 2010 as a subsidiary company of INTRAKAT. The human resources of Intrapower consist of 80 people, 40% of which are scientists (Engineers) and Administrative staff and 60% are highly trained technical staff of various specialties, such as electricians, refrigerationists and plumbers.

Parent company Intrapower is one of the largest construction companies in Greece and has been listed in the Athens Stock Exchange since 2001.

Intrapower is a company engaged in

in the field of energy production, saving and management with the integration of high technology solutions in Greece, such as:

  • Energy Saving and Upgrading of Industrial Facilities and Office Buildings
  • Energy upgrade of street lighting – replacement of light bulbs with technologically advanced ones (led)
  • in the field of special building projects on behalf of both the public and the private sector
  • in the field of Baggage Handling Systems (BHS) and Hold Baggage System (HBS
  • in the field of Facility Management of Industrial Facilities and Οffice Buildings (Electrical/Mechanical, Building)
Why choose intrapower
  • International brand name
  • Win-win relationship client – Intrapower
  • Holds a significant share on the market
  • Always provides solutions tailored to the client’s needs
  • Continuously evaluates and improves quality of its service and the level of its staff

Intrapower provides high quality services relying on advanced project implementation, cost optimization, strict timetable adherence and exacting quality control during each project phase. The company also relies on sound project planning and effective project management, seamless communication with customers, suppliers and partners, efficient job allocation and continuous personnel training.

Our environmental management and health and safety policies focus on the prevention of work area accidents, the potential introduction of contaminants into the natural environment and the excessive wear and tear of facilities and equipment. To this end, the company ensures that all employees on all organizational levels undergo constant training, clear-cut and precise responsibilities are assigned during project implementation and contracts signed with subcontractors clearly specify their responsibilities, while workplace safety levels are consistently monitored, evaluated and improved.

Quality, Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Management Systems have been certified by TUV Austria Hellas under the
EN ISO 9001:2015, EN ISO 45001:2018 and EN ISO 14001:2015 international standards respectively.


Our corporate culture fosters creativity and business acumen and is characterized by our tight focus on customer needs and our ability to adapt to a constantly evolving international environment. We believe in talent, innovation and forward thinking, and incorporate new ideas in our operations, expanding into new business sectors and encouraging our people to unleash their potential, seize new business opportunities and deliver value.

Intrapower corporate culture is reflected in our Code of Business and Professional Ethics, which provides specific guidelines regarding appropriate business and professional conduct, outlines ethical standards and clearly sets basic ground rules, ensuring that all our employees, suppliers and business partners share our core principles and values.

To actually live our values, we try to make sure that all our operations adhere to the principles of integrity, transparency and reliability, and abide by our ethical business practices. In this context, we forge long-term relationships with our customers and invest in our people, providing a safe and inspiring work environment. Moreover, we consistently expand and enrich our knowledge base and aim to seize the future by promoting progress and innovation, encouraging initiative and pursuing constant improvement. We aim high and set clear cut objectives, commit to their achievement and remain focused on providing sustainable solutions that will benefit our planet and our local communities, making sure that our CSR policies are embedded in the everyday practices of all Group companies and organizational levels.


Our Code of Business and Professional Ethics includes basic operational ground rules, covering, among others, issues of:

  • Integrity and business ethics
  • Non-discriminatory work environment
  • Health and safety
  • Intellectual property – communications and software usage
  • Assets and facilities
  • Supply chain ethics
  • Financial and non-financial information
  • Fair competition
  • Confidential information – acquiring and usage
  • Gifts, favors and bribes
  • Compliance and international trade
  • Conflicts of interest